I recently took some family Christmas pictures for my friend's family - but the day we picked turned out to be COLD and WINDY. Let's just say the pictures showed it. So this week we redid them, and with much better results.
This little one is my son's best friend - and she loves to explore! We tried some photos with her sitting on her parents' lap, but then just followed her around. I think we still ended up with great shots! Enjoy!
And this last one is proof of how much of an explorer she is - I love her concentration, with the tongue out! So cute!
I met sweet little baby W last May. He was so much fun to photograph. He was pretty sleepy, which makes for some sweet pictures. And a few times he started fussing and then all of a sudden he would just conk out; it was the wildest thing! Take a look.
And since he was a summer baby, his mom brought a little inner tube for a prop - fun! (And about 30 seconds before this shot was taken, he was crying - can you believe that?!)
When we were in MN recently visiting family, we had a couple days of beautiful fall weather. We headed outside and I got some cute snapshots of G as he played outside!
And I can't decide if I like this next one better in color or black and white - thoughts?
I've always loved taking pictures. In fact, I am sure I've annoyed people in the past with my incessant picture taking. More is better, right? Then I bought a new camera and starting taking photography courses, which led to even more pictures being taken. And now I am sharing them. I see. I snap. You look?